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Archive for May, 2016

Significant Change to Overtime Rules and Eligibility

Posted on May 31st, 2016 by Shari Elias

As expected, the White House has announced a crucial change in the laws that determine who is eligible for overtime pay.  Effective December 1, 2016, The Department of Labor will enforce modifications to the Fair Labor Standards Act that will raise the threshold for Administrative, Executive and Professional exemptions from overtime pay. Federal overtime rules […]

Follow Detailed Recordkeeping Rules for Vehicle Expense Deductions

Posted on May 31st, 2016 by Shari Elias

Many business owners fail to follow the strict tax rules for substantiating vehicle expenses. But if your business is audited, the IRS will most likely ask for mileage logs if you deducted vehicle expenses — and it tends to be especially critical of the amount deducted if you’re self employed or you employ relatives. While […]

We salute those who have served and sacrificed for our nation, and those who continue to do so.

Posted on May 27th, 2016 by Shari Elias

Insuring Employees Who Drive their Own Cars

Posted on May 24th, 2016 by Shari Elias

In many companies, employees drive during the course of their jobs — to make deliveries, call on customers or pick up supplies. In some cases, they use their personal cars rather than company cars. This can have several advantages for the employer: The company does not have to maintain a fleet. It does not have to […]

What to Do with Impossible Employees? Clean House

Posted on May 4th, 2016 by Shari Elias

When psychiatrist Mark Goulston asked several successful CEOs to name the single most important key to their success, he expected them to refer to their “vision” or their “mission.” But, independent of one another, the CEOs advised: Recognize destructive no-win people inside and outside your workplace early. Then cut your losses and move on. According […]